Thursday, April 19, 2007


The *One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest* mentality, which argues that the mentally ill are an oppressed minority, evidently did some real harm at Virginia Tech - harm to the tune of 32 innocent people shot dead.

Apparently many people - laypeople at VA Tech (roommates, classmates, professors), mental health professionals, and a judge or magistrate - were well aware that this guy was sick.

It's not clear to me why an institution of higher learning should feel a need to keep a mentally ill person, who is sufficiently disinterested in learning to wear earphones during class and decline to reply to an instructor's questions, on their roster of students.

It's time to quit babying the vicious.

Saturday, April 07, 2007


German pope says Africa's ills are due to European colonialism.

Pardon me while I chortle.

It's just as likely that the west's ills are due to the propensity of Africans to sell each other into slavery.